Acts 2 Fellowship is a group of students and mentors with diverse backgrounds at UC Berkeley, brought together after the gospel changed our lives. Founded in 2006, we were inspired and struck by the description of the earliest known Christian community in Acts chapter 2. Over the years, students report being more anxious and lonely, economic uncertainty weighs on our minds, and people are constantly hustling and moving on from one place to the next. Could such a picture of a loving, devoted, and welcoming community exist today?
Yet, as we meet people from all walks of life here at Berkeley and navigate college together, we get a taste of what the first Christians must have experienced. We’re more than a place of belonging. We’re home away from home, friends hanging out, drinking one too many bobas, cramming and stressing over the next midterm, chilling at each other’s apartments and dorm lounges, exploring the Bay Area together. We regularly gather to worship God and learn what it means to live out our faith. We welcome all Berkeley students to explore their beliefs and discover Jesus in the context of our community!
Connect with us - we hope to meet and hang out with you this year!
Hi there! We’re the student council, here to serve by keeping Acts 2 Fellowship up & running! Aside from the roles we hold, we are also seniors at Cal and just a few more familiar faces you can look for at our events. See you around!
Ray & Sieun
Ray Choi
Jesus found me, a rich young ruler, who grew up in a wealthy peninsula city on a hill above the smog line of Los Angeles (aka Palos Verdes). I thought I had kept all of God’s commands growing up because I was always that kid other parents told their kids to be like. But mercifully, during my freshman year at Cal Berkeley, God opened my eyes to see my absolute need for the cross and that salvation happens when I deny myself and follow Jesus. This has been the greatest adventure and privilege of my life.
Sieun Choi
I had my first encounter with Jesus at a campus church in Salt Lake City, UT when my dad was working towards his PhD. Although I have fond memories from that time, my upbringing was a mix of the Buddhist faith of my grandparents and my dad’s faith in the academy. But God placed people throughout my life who taught me about Him - from that Christian teacher in 3rd grade to the friend in high school who kept inviting me out to Bible studies. In college, I fell in love with the Acts 2 church community that embodies Jesus, and was amazed at its power to draw in people from all backgrounds during the precious college years.
Bryan & Sarah
Bryan (“Bree”) Song
Growing up in the heyday of the Oakland A’s Bay Area championship runs, I had dreams of becoming a professional baseball player, one day playing under the Coliseum’s bright stadium lights. God had bigger dreams in mind. During the last sermon of a middle school retreat, I was convicted of my sins and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and since then my life has taken on a different trajectory. Throughout high school, I had many spiritual mentors who loved me and opened up their lives to me, providing a community just like the one found in Acts 2. During my college years, my desire to serve God and help plant Acts 2 churches wherever and whenever started to crystallize.
Sarah Song
Even though I had been to church all my life, Christianity was just a label I put on. Moreover, hypocrisy in my past church experiences left me jaded and cynical towards religion. But after an invitation at the dining hall my freshman year at UC Berkeley, God pulled me into a community of people who genuinely loved one another and seriously tried to live out the Scriptures in their daily lives. Because of their lives, I wanted to stay and know personally this God who I had only known about in stories and Sunday School. Since then, God pursued me through different points in my life whether it was on a mission trip to Uzbekistan, planting churches in Austin, TX and Los Angeles, or returning back to the Bay Area. He turned a jaded, clueless, freshman into someone who wanted to live for the gospel so that other people, like me, can experience what I did.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”